Unforgettable Viral Images Of 2024 That Everyone’s Talking About
Each passing year is full of moments that everyone talks about, but that would have seemed completely nonsensical in previous years. Some pass by quickly before they're forgotten, while others have a surprising effect on the years to come.
Only some of the images that got people talking from previous years stuck out in people's memories, which means that time will tell which ones share the same fate. However, the fact that so many people threw their attention to these images means that they'll at least be remembered by someone.
These are both dimes
While it's understandable to look at this and wonder why someone held a dime up with a weirdly large pencil shaving, the truth is that these two items once looked identical. It's just that one of them went through a rolling mill.

Apparently, the mill wasn't very expensive, but it turned the dime into an unrecognizable sheet of metal. It's a little like those machines in souvenir shops that crush pennies, but it's a lot more thorough about it. Pretty cool!
There's nothing wrong with this man's arm
When someone's arm faces this kind of discoloration, it's easy to assume that it's the result of either the Sun's rays or a medical condition. However, it turns out that this is just a sign of how hard the uploader has been working.

As Reddit user OUTL4Wgaming explained, he was using a grinder to chop down a steel stud, which spread metal shaving across his arm. Since this was hard work that made him sweat significantly in an oxygenated environment, those shavings started to rust. As a result, the oxidized metal shavings make him look like an Oompa Loompa.
This seems like the kind of farce that would end up on TV
Without context, it's hard to get much of a sense of what we're looking at. It's a bag full of pieces of bread and the shape of them suggests that these are hot dog buns, but why do they look like this?

As Reddit user chuckz0rz explained, they work in a restaurant and asked their fellow kitchen staff to slice these buns in half for hot dogs. Apparently, everyone who received this request forgot how hot dogs work and proceeded to cut them widthwise rather than lengthwise. As the uploader said, "Didn't know I needed to specify."
This isn't just a normal day at the bookstore
If the charging stations at this Barnes & Noble location seem loaded to capacity, there's a very good reason for it. Apparently, the bookstore provided shelter for people who were displaced or stranded by Hurricane Beryl, which struck the Eastern United States in late June and early July.

While some people are sitting back with a good book while they wait out the storm, others are likely keeping their devices charged so they can tell their families they made it to safety. It's a good thing they had a place to regroup.
A deeply meaningful and fortunate duplicate
As Reddit user Reaversal explained, the frayed, demolished toy on the right was the childhood toy they received as a newborn baby. Since people noted that it looked like it had been a dog's chew toy, they also explained that over the last 26 years, they've used it as a sensory comfort doll.

This led to a level of wear-and-tear that has defeated multiple repairs over the years, which meant that it was deeply special when the uploader's mother secured a similar Rabbit doll from Winnie The Pooh that was just like it. Although Reaversal admitted the old one should have been retired long ago, that might actually feel possible now.
Talk about learning things the hard way
In case the writing on this container is too small to read, it's encouraging the user to stay hydrated throughout the day. That's because it wasn't so long ago that this was a 30-ounce water tumbler. However, Reddit user Infinite-Mud-5673 described it as suddenly turning into an eight-ounce "test tube."

Apparently, this shrinkage can all be blamed on the dishwasher. That said, if the manufacturer described this as "dishwasher safe," they can evidently share in the blame as well. Those encouraging messages are certainly more meaningless now.
This grumpy-looking cat is deeply loved
Even when there isn't a friendly little cloud toy for contrast, Chmurka here looks like an intensely grumpy cat. However, based on some of its markings and its clipped ears, that's probably not the greatest indicator of the cat's genuine mood.

That's because it's not uncommon for white cats like this to contract skin cancer. In such cases, it's often necessary to surgically remove outer ears. Based on Chmurka's overall look, the ears likely weren't the only affected area. The only one who knows for sure is Reddit user Disastrous_Aside_831, who just announced that they were happy to "foster fail" the cat and adopt it on their own.
A very good boy doing a very good job
When Reddit user 70ms took their dog to the veterinarian, they ended up in an overflow waiting room due to the presence of a dog that their pet couldn't stop yapping about. After they sat for a while and looked up at the counter, however, they were stunned to find a Rottweiler stoically standing at the counter on his hind legs.

Although it was a charming sight on its own, the really fell in love when they saw this sign proclaiming that Doug isn't just a patient who wandered behind the counter. While it's unclear what a customer service experience from a dog is like, it's clear that Doug is supposed to be there.
Believe it or not, this is a perfectly respectful casket
In The United States, funerals tend to emphasize tradition more than personalization. Although the deceased can request specific flourishes and music ahead of time, most people can generally expect a lot restraint in the funeral ceremony itself and in the make of the coffin.

In Ghana, however, a more extreme level of personalizing the ceremony is in keeping with the nation's traditions. The deceased, in this case, likely sold fruits and vegetables in life, which is why their coffin looks like a giant tomato crate. There's a reason that the famous "dancing pallbearers" meme came from a Ghanaian funeral.
Despite how it looks, this is perfectly normal
As Reddit user john_humano remarked, his bathroom door has been made to look like a portal to another world thanks to this mysterious pink hue. However, he was quick to note that this is just a light trick brought about the afternoon sunlight.

Nonetheless, commenters were still entranced by the photo and tried to convince him to bash through the door like the Kool-Aid Man. In response, the uploader joked that he'd consider it the next time he's intoxicated and his wife is using the toilet.
If you imagine something, it's in a thrift store somewhere
Long before Macklemore made his famous ode to them, thrift shops have historically been a place where shoppers on a budget roll the dice on the chance to find something worthwhile. After all, it's all but impossible to predict what other people will have dropped off there.

In this case, that means that somebody searching far and wide for a size 74 belt can finally shed a tear of joy, safe in the knowledge that their quest is over. Everyone else just has an opportunity to gawk at a belt that looks like it belongs to a Guinness World Record winner.
A young girl who needed nothing to excel
This photo captures the scene right before the start of the race at the 2024 Palarong Pambansa, a national multi-sport event in the Phillippines that honors exemplary student-athletes at the elementary and high school levels. And this year, one 13-year-old girl made an incredible impression.

Unlike her fellow competitors, Chrishia Mae Tajarros of Matag-ob National High School opted to run her 3,000-meter (or 1.8 miles) event barefoot because she's even more comfortable running that way than while wearing spikes. Indeed, that comfort enhanced her abilities well, as The Manila Bulletin reported that she ended up winning a silver medal.
She was focusing on the real priorities
When X/Twitter user @hypebeastd4n posted a photo of a text exchange with his girlfriend, he mentioned that it took place on a day that saw her undergo surgery. As such, he spent much of the day hoping for a text indicating that she was safe and healthy after the procedure.

However, it seems she had far more important things to think about. When she posted a photo of a cat licking itself, the only explanation she could offer in response to his confused reaction was "cat in da hospital." She was so enamored with the little critter that one of the only responses her boyfriend could get out of her was more photos from other angles.
It's a little scary to look at, but it does an important job
Those who don't recognize this unusual mesh mask can at least say they've never had to deal with one of the world's most exhausting and alarming diseases up close and personal. While it likely feels weird to put on and have the bolts screwed in, the alternative in even more uncomfortable.

That's because this is the protective mask that cancer patients often need to wear while they're undergoing radiation therapy. The sad reality is that they whether they find the mask comfortable or not, they're often already more scared by the time they see it than they could feel about wearing it.
This photo received viral attention for the wrong reason
Every so often, a photo will sweep the internet for comparing the size of a classic steamship of old (like the Titanic) to a modern cruise ship. Indeed, it's often staggering to see that what were once considered gargantuan ships are dwarfed by today's massive cruise liners. However, that wasn't the impression commenters came away with when a cruise ship was compared to the Queen Mary.

Instead, they were stunned by how unhelpful this angle and perspective was for illustrating that point. Since the photo seems better at comparing the Queen Mary's size to the nearby ice cream truck, there's no frame of reference for the cruise ship and they look roughly the same size.
Scars aren't the only noticeable after-effects of surgery
As Reddit user jmp325 explained, her dog recently underwent surgery, which required vets to shave a part of his back. As a result, the fur in that spot is now lighter in color than throughout the rest of his body.

As far as commenters were concerned, this meant that the dog's undercoat was growing in before the top layer of fur did. However, it's also possible that the top layer is damaged and won't be growing back at all. This is why it's best to avoid shaving double coated dogs except out of medical necessity, like in this situation.
The jig is finally up, froggies!
In the month leading up to this photo's existence, the photographer had heard a frog croaking from inside their wind chimes. Since it wasn't causing them any trouble and seemed content there, the user wasn't inclined to investigate the phantom ribbiting.

However, they made an adorably surprising discovery when they approached their wind chimes one day. As they put it, "Today I found out it's not just one frog! It's a whole secret society." I doubt any existing organizations like that are as cute as this one, though.
It's very dazzling but not as uncommon as it seems
When Reddit user OmegaThree3 took a picture of this beef stewing in a pho restaurant, it immediately caught so much attention for the beef's iridescent glow. It's perfectly safe but it's also interesting for non-cooks to know that it's actually pretty common.

That's because beef has a lot of microscopic muscle fibers in a structure unique to the meat. When light passes through those muscle fibers, it refracts, which can cause a shimmering effect that makes the beef look like it has a rainbow in it.
It's amazing how one photo explains so much
Every year seems to have its own hot commodity that drives everyone into a frenzy, and the phenomenon is usually pretty inexplicable to outsiders. This year, it seems that no store could keep their large Stanley Cup tumblers on the shelves for very long.

As some folks witnessed, this led stores to put up signs stating their policy that Stanley Cup sales were limited to 20 per customer. Although that might seem like a ludicrous upper limit, photos like this one suggest that if anything, the management of those stores might be a little too lenient.
Will this be a more common sight?
While the infrastructure available for electric vehicles is more extensive than it was even a decade ago, it's still fair to say that America is in a big transitional period between a society that runs on gasoline and one where electric vehicles are dominant.

As such, it's pretty unusual to see a hearse that has similar qualities to a Tesla. However, the day may come when this image's viral presence seems as quaint as a 19th-century newspaper article excitedly talking about "horseless carriages."
A simple picture but a widely relatable one
At first glance, it probably looks like some jerk took a flash photo of this man while he was trying to sleep. However, what has made this photo so funny and endearing to so many people is the fact that he did it to himself.

When this person woke up one morning, he reached over to his phone to turn his alarm off. However, his groggy hands hit the wrong button and he accidentally took a picture of the exact face everybody is likely to make the second they wake up.
This isn't something most people are likely to find
Reddit user Ok-Photo-1845 made big waves on the platform after they tracked down a $1,000 bill from 1934. For those who haven't seen Grover Cleveland's face on a bill before, this may seem like an elaborate counterfeit or something that only the extremely rich use regularly.

However, the truth is that any U.S. dollar bill bigger than $100 went out of production decades ago. Although some bills remain in circulation and are worth face value, it's likely that it wasn't worth it to make more of them. Considering how often even $100 bills get counterfeited, it's not hard to see why.
A dearly beloved tribute to an icon
To celebrate the life of recently deceased actress Shelley Duvall, Reddit user Zeehammer decided to dress in one of her signature roles. Not only was she able to find a similar outfit to Wendy's overalls in The Shining, but she nailed her utterly distraught expression.

She considers this the best cosplay she's ever done, and it seems that thousands of others were inclined to agree. It's so powerful to see the effect that haunting performances like Duvall's have had on others.
An ingenious way to play safely
Growing up, many of us can recall playing at playgrounds that surrounded their equipment with either sand or little stones. While both of these are practical materials, the unfortunate truth is that they can get pretty hazardous when unruly kids start throwing them.

So instead, the minds behind this playground had the brilliant idea to spread small rubber pieces around instead. While the uploader guessed these bits were from the soles of old shoes, others said the inscriptions suggested they were actually recycled from tires. That's a smart way to reuse those!
No wonder everyone loved this adorable idea
Although a lot has already happened in 2024 to make the year significant, it didn't escape the notice of many that it's a leap year. That meant that it's one of the occasional years when February 29 is recognized on global calendars, which makes it extra special when a baby is born that day.

Indeed, the staff at this hospital clearly agreed because they decided to give these rare newborns adorable little leap frog hats while they laid in the maternity ward. As the memes sometimes say, "Everyone liked that."
Did they think that people wouldn't notice?
While many people are aware of the "shrinkflation" phenomenon where companies avoid raising prices by providing less, it's rare to see it so blatantly in action. Although these boxes of Clif bars cost the same amount, one of them has one less bar in it.

The most galling part of this is the fact that the company put "now with five bars" on the top like they're doing everyone a big favor. It would be easier to respect it if they said something like, "Sorry, now with five bars."
The sad end to an impressively long era
This photo likely won't mean much to those unfamiliar with the Danish language, but there's a sad context here that speaks to humans in a universal way. As the lowest sign suggests, this butcher shop in the nation's capital of Copenhagen has been in business for about 135 years.

However, that venerable run has recently ended, and the "til leje" sign means "for rent." Indeed, that sign is its own clue as to why the shop was forced to close. Even after over a century of ups and downs, the cost to rent the building was more than the owners could afford.
People always love to see the extra mile
Even when people have the means to buy a large piece of property like this, they don't always do the things that everyone dreams of. However, one homeowner clearly saw a golden opportunity to bring a childhood fantasy to life.

Specifically, they created a handmade waterslide that extends all the way to the lake. It must be hard to keep that thing wet enough to work properly but where there's a will, there's a way. Imagine taking a tumble down that.
These Alaskans knew a big deal when they saw one
While it doesn't seem to be the most high-quality photo taken there, this shot captures the quiet excitement that built around one Alaska building. Apparently, these people are trying to get a picture of a rare white raven.

Such a sight would compel just about anyone to take a photo, but it looks like one person there came seriously prepared. Since it's a little hard to see what the raven looks like in this shot, it's hard not to wonder what he captured with his telephoto lens.
This is going to cause a shocked realization
For those wondering what this is, barcode scanners like this are a standard tool for delivery drivers. Apparently, this model is especially common for drivers who work for Amazon. Indeed, that should explain how Reddit user ChakkyP ended up with one on their porch.

It's unclear how the driver forgot it there, but accidents certainly happen, and they often pick our most distracted moments. Hopefully, that driver is able to retrace their steps and finish up their day with relative ease.
An unexpected chance to learn something interesting
For the most part, it's pretty easy to ignore the serial numbers on dollar bills. Unless someone's job involves checking for counterfeit currency or working at the U.S. Mint, those numbers aren't going to mean much in most situations.

However, it turns out that there's a special meaning when that serial number ends with a star. It means that the bill it's on is a replacement bill to correct either a printing or a cutting error with the original bill. Accidents do happen, so it makes sense that there would be a code for it.
There are only so many ways they can say it
One would think that the concept of pushing a button to lock a door rather than turning a knob wouldn't be so hard to explain. At the very least, one would expect that one clear sign on the matter would straighten out any confusion.

However, enough people have struggled with this concept that multiple, increasingly frustrated messages were needed to express that same concept in as many ways as possible. Unless this building has a bizarrely high illiteracy rate, it seems baffling that it's this hard to get the message.
A sweet little critter people didn't expect to fall in love with
Although they are excellent predators of annoying pests, largely keep to themselves, and have extremely low rates of contracting rabies, a lot of people don't like possums. Whether they're considered nuisance animals or just unappealing ones, the little friends get a bizarrely bad rap.

Clearly, it's a perception that Reddit user Mourning_Gecko has struggled to understand as well since their time caring for Penny the possum as a zookeeper for two-and-a-half years has been such a delight! Not only is Penny clearly affectionate, but it's hard to deny what a cutie she is.
Nobody likes finding a mysterious blob at home
When Reddit user JaneDeronda shared this photo, she described the subject in it as a "mysterious glob" that the dishwasher spat onto one of her mugs. Although she didn't explicitly ask for help identifying it, one person nonetheless came through with some perfect perception within an hour of the post.

It turns out that this was a glob of banana that hadn't been cleaned from a dish by the time it ended up in the dishwasher. Apparently, her children had made banana muffins the day prior and didn't clean up after themselves as thoroughly as they thought. Mystery solved!
An incredibly disappointing event that fascinated the world
According to The Guardian, Willy's Chocolate Experience was a special, theme park-like event in Glasgow, Scotland, which was supposed to evoke the magic and wonder of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Indeed, promotional images that turned out to be generated by A.I. showed an elaborate and colorful wonderland.

What customers got, however, was a sparsely decorated warehouse that featured only a small bouncy castle as an attraction. Children were so tearfully disappointed that police were called, but the internet couldn't get enough of this image of one worker dressed like an Oompa Loompa. Her tired, unenthused grimace said more about the event than words ever could.
What an unusual and mysterious problem
If this is a familiar sight to you, it may offer some comfort to discover you're not alone. As Reddit user LilAllen12 described, either their face or hair seems to have this bleaching effect on every pillow they touch.

At present, their best guess is that it's the result of the products they use when they shower. Indeed, a little guidance from the comments suggests that the compound benzoyl peroxide may be the culprit here. At least that gives the uploader somewhere to start.
It seems to defeat the purpose, doesn't it?
Generally speaking, those who pass through American airports will find that they have a longer wait ahead of them at security checkpoints if they weren't pre-checked by the TSA. However, this unusual picture shows that this isn't quite how it works.

From the looks of things, there were such an influx of pre-screen passengers that day that it was paradoxically faster just to go through the regular line. It's hard not to wonder how those travelers feel watching random walk-ins move past them.
This image is much more expensive than it looks
Although a photo of a postal worker's jacket, some work shirts, and some socks isn't normally worthy of viral attention, there was some context that made this image shocking to people. Namely, this was all that Reddit user Jpoo16's $500 a year clothing allowance provided by their organization can afford.

That's certainly an outrageous price for so little clothing, but there's nothing they can do about it. That's because their organization controls this allotment with specific debit cards that only recognize "official" vendors. Since those vendors are aware of this arrangement, there's little stopping them from charging whatever they want.
This was an unfair trade the victim didn't even make
For those wondering why a picture of a FitBit went so viral, it's because it was the replacement for a broken one. Of course, that isn't the full story. When Reddit user mkkasa22 reported the broken item to the company, they were told to send the charger and everything thing else that came with.

Yet, while they did exactly that, this FitBit was all they received in response. So, it actually cost them more money to get the FitBit replaced than to buy another one from a third party. What great customer service!
What a precious little kitty!
Most of the time, a fairly innocuous photo goes viral due to the bizarre or upsetting backstory behind it. However, there are some instances when the photos in question were truly worth a thousand words all on their own.

In this case, people simply couldn't get over how unbearably cute this little kitten is. That's already evident from the photo on the right, but the one on the left showing its little belly struck people as particularly precious. No surprise there!
Hopefully, the last pictures before things get better
As Reddit user LIEOleo posted, this little cat in Japan is likely a stray. If so, it's abundantly clear from the poor little guy's facial expressions that life has been hard on him. However, he hasn't been completely alone.

As the uploader mentioned, the local community comes together to feed the cat each day, but it's clear that he's in need of a home. Thankfully, LIEOleo updated with a note of thanks for the great advice they received and indicated that there was a plan in the works to decide the cat's care.
This is blurry for a reason but it won't make people happy
As Reddit user JCP5887 explained upon posting this photo, nobody was more surprised to see what it depicted than they were. The photo is intensely blurry, but it also seems to depict a floating package.

As it turns out, that's because the person who delivered it confirmed their presence by snapping a photo of the package as they were tossing it onto the concrete steps outside their door. That's not how anyone wants their package handled, but the timing of the photo is admittedly impressive.
It's a more exciting picture than it seems
If it seems odd that a somewhat blurry photo of a birds next to a slice of bread would go viral, it's worth noting that the context is everything in this situation. As X/Twitter user @CampbellxEmma explained, this bird was actually arrested by Dutch police for participating in a robbery.

Apparently, Dutch officials were in the mood for theatrics in the wake of the incident because they actually took a photo of the bird in a jail cell next to some bread and water. The best touch, however, is the fact that media reports from The Netherlands pout a black bar over the bird's eyes to protect its identity.
The last thing anyone expected to see out their window
As Reddit user JesusIsMySecondSon explained, they just happened to look out the window to see this on the street. What is it? It's a German submarine from World War II that had survived the conflict and was making its way to a technology museum in Sinsheim, Germany.

However, it's too old to take itself there and it turned out that there wasn't a direct route to the museum by sea. So, as the redditor discovered, getting the sub to its destination involved taking a land route that gave so many people throughout Germany an unexpected sight.
A day one man thought he would never see
For years, Reddit user Patches_Mcgee had tried to track down information about his grandfather, who he knew had fought in World War II. Although the uploader knew that his grandpa fought in Roi Namur — in the Marshall Islands — he found that one of his Google searches finally yielded more information from a war memorabilia collector.

Not only did he learn that his grandfather was in the 23rd Marines E company, but that he had also fought on the Northern Mariana island of Saipan before being wounded in Tinian. Best of all, the collector still had the shirt he was wearing when a land mine blew shrapnel into his back.
A simple photo series that made a big difference
As Reddit user and Oakland resident pengweather explained, they make a hobby out of going around their city and cleaning up any illegal dumping they find. As this photo demonstrates, there doesn't seem to be any load of trash too big for the uploader, either.

Naturally, commenters were very impressed by how civic-minded the uploader is and marveled at what they were able to accomplish all on their own. They're also pleased to report that most of their clean-up sites haven't become dirty again.
Now that's a parent who knows how to have fun
Without context, it may be a little hard to tell how a table filled with toys and sticks in front of kids playing commanded such widespread attention. To answer that, Reddit user ameades explained that when their kids are playing in the back yard, they run the item and weapon shop.

Presumably, they also give quests when the kids come around. Even if they don't, however, they've got quite an assortment of weapons from various time periods that will assist the tykes on any adventure they can imagine. There was something very charming and adorable about this dedication and geeky flair.
It doesn't always take much to get people curious
One thing about the internet that quickly becomes clear is that it's nearly impossible to predict what people will find interesting. Considering all the carefully constructed stunts that influencers put together nowadays, it must frustrate them to no end to learn that all they needed to do to get the same level of attention is find a weird toilet.

Thankfully, no curious onlookers had to wonder why this toilet was like this for long. It's likely in a hospital, as the unusual design of this toilet is intended to accommodate the device that collects stool samples when they're needed for medical tests.
A mistake, to be sure, but a beautiful one
When people came across Reddit user Stripes_and_Cats's dazzling, colorful picture, it's understandable that they would ask how the uploader achieved it. As it turns out, the answer is "by accident" because this is the bottom of a copper pan.

This array of blues, greens, oranges, and purples is precisely what the Redditor witnessed after they took the pan out of the dishwasher. At least that's a pretty colorful and festive way to learn that copper cookware isn't dishwasher safe.
Not another hotel superstition
As many people have noticed over the years, it's not uncommon for hotels to omit an option for the 13th floor on their elevators due to that number's association with bad luck in many Western cultures. By a similar token, it's not unheard for Japanese hotels to omit the fourth floor because the Japanese word for "four" is similar to the word for "death."

However, that context puzzled Reddit user hate_and_discontent when they came across this elevator panel, as it included the 13th floor but didn't include the fifth floor. However, the hotel has practical reasons for this because the fifth floor likely houses infrastructure like their HVAC system and laundry rooms, which have no reason to be visited by the hotel's guests.
It's understandable that people would be curious about this
As Reddit user MooMoo_Juic3 explained, this is the schedule that someone can largely expect to follow if they find themselves in an inpatient rehabilitation facility. Their schedule is regimented and the programming attacks the root of patients' addictions from as many angles as possible with as few distractions as possible.

Indeed, that's likely why the facility's management has such specific hours in mind for when patients are allowed to use the phone or the television. The uploader also noted that no personal electronic devices are allowed for similar reasons.
It's making its point a little too well
It's not often that a toaster comes with its own guide regarding the intensity of its burners, but the results have proved unexpectedly fascinating for online viewers. Namely, people were stunned by how easily the toaster appears to burn the finished product.

However, this guide is intended to illustrate why it's best to do as the manufacturer recommends and put two pieces in the toaster at once. Even so, it also illustrates that at least two of this six level settings on the toaster produce burnt toast no matter what.
A sad and infuriating context for a strange photo
As Reddit user xjester8 explained, this massive pile of water bottles was found inside of an abandoned school in Flint, Michigan. At first, this seems like a logical place for them to be, as the city's water crisis would necessitate more bottled water consumption than usual.

However, these aren't the spent bottles left behind after the school closed. These are thousands of unopened water bottles that could have been incredibly useful in preventing so many residents from getting dangerously sick from the contamination. Unless somebody sent this load to the wrong school, it's a sad mystery as to why it's here.
Unless those are magic words, they messed up
Based on the smaller text, it's clear that whatever company printed this box is trying to sell an inflatable fort that looks like a castle from a fantasy story. However, unless they were trying to come up with an off-brand version of the "Bippity Boppity Boo" song from Disney's Cinderella, it looks like they missed a little detail.

If the term "lorem ipsum" looks familiar, it's because the phrase often begins placeholder text used to fill newspapers and other prop documents in movie scenes. Apparently, the company forgot to get rid of that text once they came up with a snappy name for this castle fort.
Don't try this at home, folks
Reddit user Cr4zyCat stunned and disturbed everyone with this unnerving photo, which was simply accompanied by the caption, "I can stretch my toe all the way around." Although so many commenters felt their toes hurt just by looking at this photo, that's not the biggest problem here.

Indeed, just because this person can do this to their toe, that doesn't mean they should. As Reddit user supermaja wrote, "The joint at the base of your big toe is likely damaged every time you do this. I have a loose big toe and now I regularly get terrible pain at that joint. Foot doc said it's my connective tissue getting pinched and staying there."