Hilarious People Taking 2025 By Storm
As we roll out of 2024 and into another year, it's a time to take stock of what we've learned in the previous year, and also a time to set resolutions to commit to in the year to come.
Of course, all of that mindfulness stuff is boring. Sometimes, you just want to see what's happening in the world of memes and general hilarity. Fear not, we've got a custom curated list that'll get you laughing to start off 2025.
He must have won the lottery.
A Redditor posted this image, saying, "I asked my friend if he got his raise — he sent this." If we're playing along with the avocado toast trope, this guy didn't just get a raise — he won the lottery.

Just look at those riches: Two slices of toast with a metric ton of avocado on it. Only the top one percent of the one percent can afford to smear that much avocado on their toast.
Better than a 404.
This cake is perfectly on point, considering it was made to commemorate a worker leaving an IT company (although, if we're going to quibble, Windows XP is getting pretty old at this point).

This coworker was evidently well liked, as evidenced by the fact that he got a cake to begin with. But his coworkers aren't above a little friendly ribbing in telling him that he "failed successfully."
We've been over this.
Everyone knows that a meteor strike killed the dinosaurs. It's oversimplifying things a bit, as the meteor led to a lot of changes on Earth, but the upshot was that dinosaurs were done for.

This image must have taken some time to set up, as it relies not only on one of those goofy inflatable t-rex costumes, but also on a meteor shower. This must have been what it looked like 65 million years ago.
A perfectly themed care package.
This sweet little care package was put together for a coworker who dropped something on his toe, breaking it in the process.

While it's true that care packages can help a lot, this guy probably feels like he's getting trolled pretty hard. The candy is nice and all, but they're definitely making fun of him for being so clumsy that he broke his toe.
Imagine this world.
Simone Biles is showing a lot of grace by choosing to retire and let other gymnasts share the spotlight. Let's be honest, she's the Michael Jordan of her sport, and has won everything there is to win, so why not go out on top?

This tweet takes aim at our elected officials who, time and time again, keep themselves in the spotlight. Maybe we need to elect Simone Biles to public office to stop this trend.
A big day for Nick.
We can see Nick's entire career progression in these name tags. He started as a humble McCafe specialist, then was entrusted to train the crew. He soon became a guest experience leader, then a team leader.

Nick really started to gain momentum when he was named assistant manager. Then, he reached the ultimate stage: Promotion from Nick to Nicholas. Oh, he also became Market People Lead, whatever that means.
Yearbook's going to look great.
This schoolteacher is probably sick of picture days at this point. After all, he did them every year growing up (as we all did), but in becoming a teacher, it ensured that he'd have to do them every year until retirement.

With this in mind, he decided to have a little bit of fun with this year's photo day. Yearbooks are forever, and that means this photo is forever as well.
Anyone fancy a night out?
What does alcohol consumption do to the brain? There are various complicated scientific answers, but the best answer might be found on this Japanese bar sign.

We all know that when we drink, we're essentially giving alcohol permission to kick our brains in the crotch (brains have crotches, right?). Yet, we still continue to do so. Heck, this bar sign even explicitly demonstrates what happens, and it probably does good business.
Were the Flat Earthers right all along?
"My goodness, the earth is flat," wrote the person who posted this. They were obviously joking, but this leads to an interesting exploration of how we perceive things.

After all, the planet is flat in this one tiny section - and depending on where you want to focus, the planet can also be convex, concave, or angled. This is why it's important to take the big picture view by taking the whole (spherical) planet into account.
Am broke, can confirm.
There's truth to this, and it may come from the fact that generous people are more likely to give money that they can't afford, which makes it harder for them to build up any sort of savings.

Of course, if anybody asks you to Venmo them anything less than five dollars, just buy them a coffee and a muffin instead. Nobody has time for these real life microtransactions.
Called out.
As we pamper our pets, our pets in turn get pretty comfortable with becoming manipulative little monsters, as evidenced by this hilarious poster.

It sounds like Penny needs to stop begging customers for extra food and instead needs to take a long look at himself. After all, our boy has already been fed, and he needs to drop those love handles by summertime.
Oh, the places you'll go.
"One time I got drunk in a Hooters and the staff gave me an outfit," wrote the Redditor who posted this. Of all the possible outcomes of getting drunk in a Hooters, this one seems to be the best case scenario.

It's also intriguing that the guy appears to be singing into the mic. Is this a Hooters with a karaoke machine, or did karaoke night spontaneously start thanks to this guy?
Things are getting testy.
Have you ever found a sternly worded or passive-aggressive note at work? If so, have you decided to respond with a similarly worded note of your own? If not, you probably haven't worked in an office before.

The notes in this elevator tell a story: A story of three elevators, two of which are eternally broken, and the third elevator that's forced to take on all the weight of the world.
He's not wrong.
This shirt is either a fantastic ice breaker, or a great way to make people feel terribly self-conscious for taking a second look. Either way, it's hilarious.

It's hard to imagine the manufacturer of this t-shirt making much money though, as it's a shirt that only really works for the tiny percentage of the population that's missing not just one arm, but both arms.
Back into the fire.
When there are wildfires, firefighters need water — and lots of it — to douse the flames. What they don't need is Logan Paul's artificially sweetened nightmare blend of electrolytes and citric acid.

In any case, that didn't stop Paul from using the wildfires as a marketing opportunity. Nor did it stop the pithy and hilarious replies that this tone-deaf initiative received.
Merry birthday.
People who were born on December 25th must feel like they're eternally sharing their birthday with someone whose shadow they'll never escape. Every year, their birthday is the sideshow, the opening act, to a bigger celebration.

The person who posted this says that the cake was for their wife, who's a good sport about it. She's been offered the option of celebrating on a different day, but for now, she's sticking with Christmas.
Hey, they said it.
There's no confirmation that this guy is actually a security guard, which is good. If he was a security guard, he needs a less demeaning shirt.

Of course, this could also be part of a group costume. It's easy to imagine his friends wearing shirts that say "Anxiety" and "Stress." It would be a great shirt to wear around actual security guards.
Dolla dolla bills.
These guys didn't just rob a bank, though it sure looks like it. This is part of a movie or TV show production that utilized a lot of prop (fake) money.

"I asked my boss if we could pose with (some) of our prop money at the end of the day," wrote the original poster, who added, "He insisted we use ALL of it."
What a nice old lady.
This Xenomorph action figure was gifted to a woman from her husband for reasons unknown. In an inspired move, the recipient decided to dress it up in some cozy clothes.

For the record, this new Xenomorph is named Pookie. We're not sure where Pookie lives, but if it stays in the car, it's going to get more than a few strange looks.
Friendship with T-Swift ended.
Is it really such a surprise that the ultra rich are going to have ultra rich stuff? It doesn't make them hypocrites, since everybody and their mother already knows how rich they are.

In fact, given Taylor Swift's net worth (well over a billion dollars), a $32,200 watch almost seems like chump change. If anything, it's hypocritical of her not to wear something that's worth six figures rather than five.
Google can be wrong?!
The person who lives here was evidently fed up with Google Maps directing people to go down this road. So, even if it may sound blasphemous to some, they took the bold step of declaring that Google is wrong.

If Google is wrong in general, then it's a miracle that anyone has graduated from high school or college in the past few decades. Of course, in some circumstances, Google can, in fact, be wrong.
If I fits, I sits.
Lego has finally given the people what they truly want and created a life-size, realistic tuxedo cat. Of course, this development probably has any tuxedo cat who's owned by a Lego fan feeling a little inadequate.

This kitty has taken the bold step of getting inside the box of the Lego cat. The box promises a tuxedo cat, the box contains a tuxedo cat — no need to bother with any of that Lego nonsense, right?
This isn't how you cake.
This image was captioned, "My coworker was asked to cut the cake today at work." To this, I have more than a few questions.

First off, why was this particular coworker asked to cut the cake? It surely wasn't for their cake-cutting skills, because this is an absolute cake massacre. The next time this office has cake (if there is a next time), this coworker needs to be shut in a different room.
Teaching in 2025.
Every generation has its trendy words that older generations simply don't get, but the trend has really accelerated in recent years. Just look at this baffling list of banned words in a high school sophomore classroom.

Back in my day, we only needed four or five cringey slang terms in order to demonstrate our rizz. Kids these days apparently need dozens, and they should really say less.
Great social media management.
It's always appealing when the official social media accounts for companies or official agencies have a sense of humor, and that's exactly what we're seeing here.

First off, they're not wrong — you do know it's cold outside when you go outside and it's cold. Also, while it's doubtful that their social media manager looks like that, this exchange was a masterclass in social media engagement.
Here's one for the '80s folks.
Mr. T was a pop culture phenomenon in the '80s, and his popularity continued in the years that followed. Why was "I pity the fool" such a popular catchphrase, and why did it capture the zeitgeist of the time?

We have no idea, but we can still see its ripple effects to this day. This pool cleaner has found the best way to subtly advertise his pool cleaning skills.
Very literally minded.
When you're a kid, handing out valentines to your classmates feels like a minefield. You want to be friendly but don't want them to think that you have a crush on them.

Young Henry has made the executive decision to edit these valentines. No longer do they call his classmates "sweetie" and "valentine" — they're now businesslike. Calling them "human" and "kid in my class" may be a bit dry, but it's at least accurate.
Big game hunting.
Hunters love to post pictures with their kills, and this guy is basically doing the same thing. This kill might not yield meat or hide, but it's an excellent source of Christmas lights and metal wire.

It's hard not to appreciate how he went the extra mile with the hunting camo, which really helps to capture the vibe of the typical hunter profile pic.
When everyone's favorite coworker leaves.
It's always bittersweet when one of your work friends moves on to another job. On one hand, you're happy for them, but on the other hand, it's hard to face the idea of showing up every day and not being able to hang out with them anymore.

This banner captures the mood perfectly. Like, it's important to wish the coworker well and all that, but maybe it's okay to be a little bit hostile as well.
World's hardest doctor.
This must have been a standard doctor and not a plastic surgeon, because any plastic surgeon will promise the world to their patients if it means they can sell a little extra botox.

This doctor might have been brutally honest, but that's what you ultimately want out of a doctor. Nobody wins in the fight against time, so we might as well accept that we look the age we look. After all, soon enough we'll look even older.
So that's why the car is stuck.
This family was unable to get their car out of the driveway thanks to heavy snowfall, so the neighborhood kids decided to troll them in a friendly way with the snowman.

This really makes it look like the reason for the stuck car has nothing to do with the weather and is instead a result of this snowman working his dark magic.
Absolutely breathtaking.
Every year or two, there's a viral trend of posting photos of the Northern Lights during those times when they become more visible to the south.

Most of these pictures are downright underwhelming, simply showing the night sky with a greenish ripple to it. This person decided to forego all of that nonsense and create an idealized image of Aurora Borealis. Congrats to them — this pic looks amazing.
Uh, what?
This third grader wrote an essay about internet safety. Of course, internet safety is an important topic for kids who are just getting online for the first time, but this essay is downright unhinged.

Credit to this kid for accurately noting that internet safety is really important and that cyberbullying is "really mean," but they probably should have stopped before making threats to the reader.
Happy birthday, '90s style.
"I turned 30 today, but I have been contemplating life ever since I can remember," wrote the person who posted this image. There's almost too much going on in this photo to get your head around.

In any case, all we can really do is wish this person a happy 30th birthday, along with the sincere hope that they're able to work through all of this in therapy.
This physician's got jokes.
Yeah, University Physics with Modern Physics 14th Edition sounds like it's just about the most bland book that's ever been written, the kind of book so boring it'll make you cry.

That's why it's so surprising that the author of this book came in with a fantastic zinger. Who knew that the writers of doorstop-style textbooks could get so silly on social media?
Here's one for the geography nerds.
This really is a perfect representation of the odd geographical situation that exists between Chile and Argentina: One very skinny country that's being squeezed by a bigger country.

We don't have to feel too bad for Chile, though. What the country lacks in horizontal scale, it more than makes up for in ocean views. In fact, it effectively blocks Argentina from having a good view of the Pacific.
Truer words have never been spoken.
"Baby on board" decals have always seemed a little odd. After all, they're implicitly stating that drivers are okay with plowing into cars that don't have babies on board, but will exercise more care around babies.

This sticker really says it all. Even though there might not be any babies or young kids in the car, that doesn't mean that they want people crashing into their car.
Modern tech is incredible.
A Redditor posted this after trying to fart discreetly in their friend's house. No people noticed it, but the thermostat sure did — and you'd better believe it called him out for it.

Not only does the thermostat immediately note that the air quality has deteriorated, but it even gives some context. This guy might feel embarrassed, but he also knows that his farts contain high levels of carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds.
Cue "Pomp and Circumstance."
This guy ordered a dog gate from the internet and got this diploma with it, which feels like overkill. He didn't study or write any tests; all he did was enter his credit card info online.

Then again, a diploma only has value if it comes from a respected institution. We're guessing that the University of Your Graduated isn't a particularly prestigious university.
She'll never recover.
When you see a weird tweet, the only way to respond is with a biting zinger. It's a little weird that the original tweet implies that the person will only accept jackets from people who are cute.

Of course, none of that matters because the reply is pure gold. After all, if nobody is going out of their way to tell you that you're cute, you probably shouldn't be judging anyone for not being cute.